Hi, Iā€™m tamiya thorogood.

I remember the struggles I faced when I battled with hormone imbalances and gut issues. It was a frustrating time, but it fueled my determination to find a solution not only for myself but also to help others facing similar challenges. Having a deep desire to make a positive impact and help women like me feel good and live better. I became a certified holistic health coach, certified juice therapist, sports nutrition and kinesiology specialist.

I crafted the Hormone Gut Solution, a comprehensive 4-Week Program designed to empower my clients with the knowledge, tools, and support they need to transform their health and reclaim their lives. It brings me joy to see the transformative results and renewed vitality my clients experience throughout this journey.

My mission is to empower you, just as I was empowered, to achieve lasting well-being and thrive in your own beauty. Together, let's conquer hormone and gut issues, performance nutrition and weight loss unlocking a brighter and healthier future for you!