gut and hormone balance program

Are you tired of struggling with imbalanced hormones and gut issues that leave you feeling lethargic, bloated, and frustrated? Do you constantly search for solutions but never quite find the right one? If you're tired of feeling this way and yearn for a healthier, vibrant life, then keep reading. Over 80% of individuals struggle with hormonal imbalances and gut issues at some point in their lives, impacting their overall well-being and quality of life. Surprisingly, these issues are intricately connected. An unhealthy gut can disrupt hormonal balance, while hormonal imbalances can wreak havoc on gut health. It’s no secret that imbalances in gut bacteria (microbiota) can trigger hormonal fluctuations, leading to symptoms such as mood swings, fatigue, weight gain, and skin problems.

here’s what you get when you join…

Hormone Gut Solution Guide: Unravel the intricate connection between your hormones and gut, and learn to restore them to optimal balance.

Recipe Guide: Enjoy mouthwatering meals with the options of Omnivore and Vegan Recipe Guides that support hormonal and gut health.

4 Weeks of Suggested Meals and Shopping Lists: Take the guesswork out of meal planning and shopping, saving time and effort.

Food Diary: Track your progress, identify triggers, and stay accountable on your journey to a healthier you.

Holistic Health Coaching Sessions: Benefit from personalized guidance and support, ensuring your success throughout the program.

PLUS you’ll also get access to exclusive resources and tools to help you expand on your holistic education for lasting wellness support.

Unlock the ultimate 4-week transformation with the Hormone Gut Solution, as it holistically detoxifies your body, prepares you for lasting vitality, and empowers you to regain confidence and joy in your life

★Proven Success: My program has helped countless individuals regain control of their health and experience remarkable improvements.

★Expert Guidance: Benefit from the expertise of a qualified health coach, providing you with personalized attention and support.

★Comprehensive Solution: Unlike one-size-fits-all approaches, my program addresses both hormonal and gut health for lasting results.

★Delicious and Convenient: Enjoy delectable recipes and easy-to-follow meal plans, making your journey enjoyable and effortless.

★Incredible Value: The program's total value is estimated at $125, but for a limited time, you can access it for only $100.


If you’re looking for something completely integrated and tailored to your specific needs, 1:1 wellness coaching might be the right step for you. Learn what you can expect in a session or book a free consultation today.

performance nutrition

At Good Life Nutrition, our mission is to help athletes of all kinds reach their full potential and achieve optimal performance. Whether you're a weekend warrior, professional athlete, or someone just starting out on their fitness journey, we are here to support you every step of the way.

We cover all aspects of sports nutrition, including pre and post-workout fueling, hydration strategies, portion control, supplementation guidance, and meal planning. Our team also provides ongoing support, monitoring your progress and making adjustments as needed to ensure that you continue to perform at your best.

Competition prep/ meal plan

Perfect program to prepare for a sports event or competition.

recovery meal planning

Suggested meals and supplements to reduce inflammation helping with blood flow and circulation.

each plan includeS…

  • Initial Health Consultation

  • Metabolic assessment

  • Two 50-minute sessions per month

  • Personal coaching and support to help you time your nutrition based on activity

  • Meal suggestions with specified nutrient needs for training and peak performance

  • Supplement suggestions for optimal performance

  • Email and phone support between sessions

  • Educational handouts to expand your nutritional knowledge, recipes, and other materials


  • Corporate Wellness

  • Healthy Living Events

  • Day Programs

  • Nursing Homes


Discover the Path to a Healthier You with Our Healthy Living Workshops

Our workshops are designed to empower you with knowledge and practical tools to make lasting changes to your health habits. Whether you're looking to improve your nutrition, incorporate more physical activity into your routine, manage stress effectively, or enhance your overall well-being, our workshops offer valuable insights and guidance.

Led by experienced health and wellness experts, our workshops cover a range of topics essential for optimizing your health. From understanding the fundamentals of nutrition to mastering mindfulness techniques, each workshop is crafted to provide you with actionable strategies that you can implement in your daily life.

Don't miss this opportunity to invest in yourself and prioritize your well-being. Sign up for our Healthy Living Workshops today and take the first step towards a healthier, happier you!

cold pressed juice cleanse

The Benefits are Endless:

1. Purify your Body: Our cold pressed juice cleanse is designed to rid harmful body toxins, revitalizing your organs and improving your digestive system. Say goodbye to bloating and discomfort, and hello to feeling refreshed and renewed!
2. Boost your Energy: Experience an unparalleled energy boost as you flood your body with the essential vitamins and minerals it craves. Be ready to tackle your day with a newfound vigor and vitality.
3. Weight Management Support: Feel confident and revitalized as our Cold Pressed Juice Cleanse helps you on your weight management journey. Packed with fiber, antioxidants, and enzymes, our juices can help you curb cravings and support healthier eating habits.
4. Radiant Glowing Skin: Nourish your skin from within and unlock its natural radiance. Cold pressed juices are known to improve complexion, reduce signs of aging, and promote a healthy glow.

Why Choose Our Cold Pressed Juice Cleanse:

1. Unmatched Quality: We take pride in the premium quality of our ingredients, carefully sourced from trusted farmers. Each juice is cold pressed and bottled in small batches to guarantee freshness, taste, and maximum nutritional value.
2. Tailored to Your Needs: Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned juicer, we offer cleanse programs personalized to your needs. Choose from our variety of durations, ranging from a one-day, three-day boost to a full-week or even four-week nutritional overhaul.
3. Convenience at Your Doorstep: With our convenient home delivery service, enjoying the Cold Pressed Juice Cleanse has never been easier. Simply place your order and let us handle the rest. No more struggling with finding the right ingredients or time-consuming meal preparation!
4. Expert Support: We understand that embarking on a cleanse can feel overwhelming. That's why our team of experts is here to guide you every step of the way. From personalized recommendations to answering your questions, we're dedicated to ensuring your cleanse is a success.

Take the First Step Towards a Healthier You!

Don't wait any longer to experience the incredible benefits of our Cold Pressed Juice Cleanse. Revolutionize your health, boost your vitality, and feel amazing from the inside out. Choose your premium cleanse today and unlock a journey towards a happier, healthier you!

Note: Keep refrigerated. Consult with your healthcare professional before starting any cleanse program, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or restrictions.

At Good Life Nutrition, we understand that achieving optimal performance is not just about what you eat, but also about how you feel mentally and emotionally. That's why we prioritize a holistic approach to athlete support, encompassing not only nutrition but also mental well-being and lifestyle habits.

Introducing the Revitalizing Cold Pressed Juice Cleanse!

Are you having trouble sleeping, gut issues, skin problems, weight issues, high sugar cravings & brain fog? Are you in search of a natural and effective way to detoxify your body, boost your energy levels, and rejuvenate your overall well-being? Look no further! Our premium Cold Pressed Juice Cleanse is here to transform your health journey!

Discover the Power of Cold Pressed Juice

Unlike traditional juices, our cold pressed juices are created using a cutting-edge method that preserves all the vital nutrients, minerals, and enzymes found in fresh fruits and vegetables. By extracting the juice without any heat or oxygen, we ensure maximum nutrient retention, resulting in a truly revitalizing experience for your body.

detox plans

  • 1 day: 6 Juices + 2 wellness shots (Novice)

  • 3 day: 18 juices + 6 wellness shots (Advanced Beginner)

  • 7 day: 42 juices + 14 wellness shots (Proficent)

  • 4 week: 42 juices + 14 wellness shots a week per week for 4 weeks. (Expert)

meal plans

Wellness encompasses a healthy body, a sound mind, and a tranquil spirit. Enjoy the journey as you strive for wellness.”

- Laurette Gagnon Beaulieu